3.2.8 - 05/02/2025
- Fix language pack loading
3.2.7 - 09/12/2024
- Fixed the Big Title options display issue
- Fix the customizer broken layout introduced by the LearnPress plugin
- Fixed the Subscriber section issue in the customizer preview
3.2.6 - 22/11/2024
- Fixed issue with the License key field and rollback button not appearing
- Fixed issue with Icons disappearing from the Featured section
- Fixed issue with Menu items and Widgets sections missing and mobile menu breaking
3.2.5 - 21/11/2024
- Fixed compatibility issue with WordPress 6.7 that was throwing warnings on translations
3.2.4 - 18/11/2024
- Fixed the Big Title section compatibility issue with WordPress 6.7
- Fixed the Read More button style
3.2.3 - 11/11/2024
- Fixed the blog layout infinite scroll issue
- Updated dependencies
3.2.2 - 30/10/2024
- Added more translatable strings for improved localization.
- Aligned shopping cart widget in the top bar.
- Fixed support link for premium users.
- Updated About page links and text.
3.2.1 - 10/10/2024
- Fix welcome notice CSS layout
- Fix about page Getting Started tab layout
- Fix compatibility with WooCommerce booking plugin
3.2.0 - 09/10/2024
- Added 3 new starter sites and removed legacy ones
- Added option to toggle sticky navbar
- Added new color options for front page
- Added section edit button beside section toggle
- Added new setting to toggle blog subscribe section
- Added new patterns and pattern category
- Improved overall loading speed
- Improved About page user experience
- Removed some unused CSS
- Fixed starter content in the front page that onboarding publishes
- Renamed Big title section Text control to Subtitle
- Fixed layout of comments with long words
- Fixed TikTok embeds display
- Adjusted line-height for top bar widget area
- Fixed default for shopping cart icon
- Fixes customizer control style
- Improved customizer controls layout and appearance
- Replaced sharing link for Twitter with x.com
- Fixed video controls appearing on customizer load when video not enabled
- Fixed Gutenberg alignment issue on vertical window resize
- Replaced h6 tag for categories with span tag to have a proper heading hierarchy
- Fixed WooCommerce blocks buttons styling inconsistencies
- Fixed WooCommerce My Account page layout
- Enabled theme support for core editor controls
- Updated blog sidebar headings from h2 to h5 on theme activation
- Fixed search form widget styles
- Fixed error in white label module
- Changed default body font for new users
- Reworked theme activation flow
- Reworked onboarding and welcome notice
3.1.10 - 27/08/2024
- Fixed an issue where the Mini Cart option appeared incorrectly in the customizer
- Fixed an issue with the user survey
- Fixed an issue with the customizer preview refresh
3.1.9 - 15/07/2024
- Removed hardcoded CSS string which was not available for translations
- Fixed image translation issue with WPML/PL
- Updated dependencies to improve performance
3.1.8 - 05/04/2024
- Updated internal dependencies
3.1.7 - 01/04/2024
- Updated internal dependencies
3.1.6 - 29/03/2024
- Updated internal dependencies
3.1.5 - 28/03/2024
- Updated internal dependencies
3.1.4 - 27/02/2024
- Fixed WPML compatibility with custom layouts
- Updated dependencies
- Added NPS Survey
- Preparation for future BF campaign
3.1.3 - 06/02/2024
- Enhanced security
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed loading of custom Font Awesome icons
3.1.2 - 01/02/2024
- Updated references from SendinBlue to Brevo
- Solved warning on checking styles
- Add undefined check for mutations of addViewCart
- Enhanced Security
- Added CTA in Customizer
3.1.1 - 11/01/2024
- Updated dependencies
- Updated Twitter to X icon
- Upgrade to Font Awesome 6 version
- Fixed string translation issue with WPML
- Fix comma alignment and color in WoCommerce Category on Shop
- Fixed gallery layout issue with the lightbox
- Fixed mini cart counter issue
- Fixed custom layout compatibility issue with Polylang
- Fixed mega menu opening issue on screen resize
- Fixed mutation events deprecation
- Fixed compatibility issue with Otter block
3.1.0 - 29/08/2023
- Improved The Onboarding Experience With A New Setup Wizard.
- Added Header Customization Options: Display Menu On Mobile, Customize Cart Icon, And Transparent Header Support For Other Pages.
- Introduced New Page Patterns.
- Allowed Disabling Of Page Titles From Individual Page Options.
- Added An Option To Display The Site Title Near The Logo.
- Implemented Local Font Loading For Better Performance.
- Added A Filter For No-Follow Links In The Clients Bar Section.
3.0.30 - 15/06/2023
- Fix Lighthouse errors
- Fix a stray HTML tag in Footer
- Fix notice not disappearing
- Fix PHP errors with PHP 8.1
- Fix issue with Big Title section being locked under certain conditions
3.0.29 - 09/03/2023
- Improve the release process
3.0.27 - 10/01/2023
- [Fix] Big title background image issue
3.0.26 - 05/01/2023
- [Feat] Filter related posts by Yoast primary category
- [Fix] Big title section render issue
- [Fix] Button Color Selector is not working
- [Fix] SEO issues with explicit image width/height
3.0.25 - 20/12/2022
- [Fix] Improve TinyMCE editor style
- [Fix] Page break block not working
- [Fix] Fixed the word-break issue in the comment section
- Better showcase the features from the Pro version
3.0.24 - 28/09/2022
- [Fix] Fix broken range slider style
- [Fix] Add comment awaiting moderation notice
- [Fix] Fix font awesome loading issue on WooCommerce search page
- [Fix] Improve inline CSS block
- [Fix] Compatibility with Elementor Pros widgets
- [Fix] Move the footer to outside theelement
- [Fix] Remove srcset from images in the Clients bar section
3.0.23 - 01/07/2022
- Fixes
- Field placeholder over text in the comments box
- Add the missing srcset attributes for images on the front page
- Tweaks
- Remove the Gutenberg templates as the feature from Otter Blocks is deprecated
- From 3.0.23 we decided to remove the copyright control from the free version. You can continue using it if you roll back to 3.0.22 or you can upgrade to pro, using a one-time 50% discount by using HESTIABRANDING50 discount code. The promotion is available until the 8th of July.
3.0.22 - 05/05/2022
- Fixes
- Error when trying to create a new custom layout
- Layout issue for the ribbon section
- PHP warning in the customizer when checking if icons are used
- Parallax effect not working in Chrome and Edge browsers
- Tweaks
- Updated the recommended plugin list
3.0.21 - 03/02/2022
- Fixes
- Show hooks button is missing from the admin bar
- Error with Licenser.php that appear in some cases
3.0.20 - 14/12/2021
- Fixes
- Undefined error in customizer for button controls
- Hide edit button in About section until a frontpage is set
- Conflict with Gutentor plugin
- Performance issues with Custom Layouts and many users
3.0.19 - 21/09/2021
- Fixes
- Multiple textdomains appear in Hestia's code
3.0.18 - 07/09/2021
- Fixes
- The “Show hooks” button is available for users that are not administrators.
- The new widget editor is not working for Hestia.
- The “Time ago” post meta is not taking into consideration the timezone.
- Error in Dokan dashboard when trying to change a product image.
3.0.17 - 21/07/2021
- Fixes
- Fix customizer issue in WP 5.8
- Fix avatars that still shows even if they are hidden from the dashboard settings
v3.0.16 - 19/04/2021
- Fixes
- Page template on the front page not appearing
- Starter content issue
v3.0.15 - 19/04/2021
- Fixes
- Embed block alignment
- WooCommerce shortcodes displaying products that don’t have proper spacing and font size
- Empty pot file
v3.0.14 - 15/03/2021
- Fixes
- Fix the error that appeared when using PHP 8
- Fix an error that appears in some cases in the navbar
v3.0.13 - 03/03/2021
v3.0.11 - 03/03/2021
- Fixes
- Fix blockquote position in the editor. Added a border on the right when the block is aligned to right.
- Fix the team section alignment on mobile when the title of one member has more characters.
- Fix transparent logo appears on the blog page when the front page is set as "latest posts".
- Added support for iframes in the contact section on the front page.
v3.0.10 - 18/02/2021
v3.0.9 - 18/02/2021
- Fixes
- jQuery .load() function is deprecated
- Elementor Pro template for shop and single product
- Custom Layout can't be edited with PHP Editor
- Custom Layout can't be edited with Beaver Builder
- Custom Layout template not translatable with WPML
- Infinite scroll not working on product tags/categories
- The results counter of WooCommerce is not updating when loading a new page with infinite scroll
- The infinite scroll not working properly when having plain permalinks
- Features
- Improve the starter content
v3.0.8 - 10/12/2020
- Fixes
- Compatibility with WP 5.6
- jQuery .load() function is deprecated
v3.0.6 - 03/11/2020
- Fixes
- Customizer not accessible when Sendinblue plugin was installed
- Make logo option translatable with Polylang
- Elementor font-size inheritance from Customizer
v3.0.5 - 29/09/2020
- Fixes
- Responsive slider controls in Customizer
- Seamless add to cart mechanism
- Compatibility between Custom Layouts and the latest version of Brizy
- Better handling of the features list available in each package
- Correct CSS classes used with the [hestia_contact] shortcode
v3.0.4 - 03/08/2020
- Fixes
- Compatibility with WP 5.5
v3.0.3 - 09/07/2020
- Fixes
- Removed onboarding from the free version.
v3.0.2 - 25/06/2020
- Fixes
- Compatibility issues with PHP 7.4
- Layout of the attribute archive page
- Position of show/hide password icon on the My Account page
- Allow iframe code in the Custom Layouts
- Translatable Custom Layouts
- Remove unused sidebar control meta box on single portfolio pages
- Empty team member widget appearing on mobile
- Seamless add to cart mechanism for variable products
v3.0.1 - 11/05/2020
- Fixes
- Missing Font Awesome icons
- Fatal error when using Yoast
- Secondary color missing in the blocks color palette
- Second button link in the Big title section
- Check if attachment exists when swap images are used on the Shop page
- Seamless add to cart mechanism
v3.0.0 - 28/04/2020
- Features
- New Custom Layouts module
- New options for the Single Product page ( Exclusive Products, Seamless Add to Cart )
- New Payment Icons on the Cart page
- New option for custom image style effects on the Shop page
- New layout control for the Shop Sidebar
- New Off-Canvas Sidebar option for the Shop Page
- Option to enable/disable cross-sells products on the Cart page
- Moved Starter Sites remotely
- Fixes
- Code refactoring and improvements
- Load Font Awesome based on usage
- Upgrade default Font Awesome icons to FA 5
- Related products layout when using Elementor Pro Single Product template
- Compatibility with Elementor Pro Header and Footer templates
- Duplicated related product image in Elementor Pro templates
- Small tweaks to the White Label module
- Header Background color in the WP editor blocks
- Transparent logo on mobile
- Allow skipping cropping the transparent logo
- Slider icons position in RTL mode
- Display tags on product pages
v2.5.7 - 01/04/2020
- Add new post causes errors in WP 5.4
v2.5.6 - 17/12/2019
- [Fix] Logo positioning for the third navigation layout option and no widgets
- [Fix] Sync between the image set as the featured image for the Frontpage and the image from the About section
- [Fix] Customizer icons missing when Font Awesome was not loaded
- [Fix] Compatibility with the Menu Icons plugin while the transparent menu is on
v2.5.5 - 14/11/2019
- [Feat] Dedicated logo option for the transparent header
- [Fix] Subscribe form on the blog page
- [Fix] Line separator compatibility with WP 5.3
v2.5.4 - 21/10/2019
- [Fix] Blog page Infinite Scroll compatibility with the Alternative layout
- [Fix] Cover block text color not updating
- [Fix][Hestia Pro] Shop page Infinite Scroll compatibility with widgets filtering
- [Fix][Hestia Pro] Header layout selection for the Shop page
- [Fix][Hestia Pro] Slider arrows position on RTL
v2.5.3 - 13/09/2019
- [Fix] Improved About page layout
- [Fix] License validation mechanism for Starter Sites
v2.5.2 - 12/09/2019
- [Fix] Compatibility with Elementor Pro Menu Cart widget
- [Fix] Mail and phone icons compatibility with FA5
- [Fix] Primary menu icons spacing and alignment
- [Fix] Uppercase submenu items back to Sentence case
- [Fix] WooCommerce product gallery images not clickable on mobile
- [Perf] Small performance fixes
v2.5.1 - 13/08/2019
- [Fix] - Header layout on the front page
- [Fix] - Removed Hestia's custom integration with Gutenberg
- [Fix] - Social menu icons compatibility with FA5
v2.5.0 - 08/08/2019
- Migrated to Font Awesome 5
- Updated the Starter Sites library
v2.4.9 - 01/08/2019
- Allow copyright text to be changed in both Hestia and Hestia PRO
- Allow HTML tags in the title and subtitle fields of the Portfolio section
- Create a WPForms form as a default value for the Contact section
- Updated the Google Fonts Library
- Fixed header layout on the tags archive page
- Fixed issue with accent color not affecting links in the front-end
- Made sure the header image is translatable with WPML
- Fixed sidebar layout metabox not appearing when WooCommerce was not installed
v2.4.8 - 23/07/2019
- Speed improvement update for the Hestia Default Demo
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed licensing issue in the onboarding mechanism
v2.4.7 - 22/07/2019
- Fixed issue with Starter Sites not available in the pro packages
v2.4.6 - 18/07/2019
- New Customizer option to control the header area on single product pages
- [Hestia PRO] New meta option to control the header area on individual single product pages
- Fixed alignment issue between the author title and the author image on mobile devices
- Fixed header layout issue on the category page being affected by the first article layout
- Move two items per line instead of one in the Our Team section for a better spacing
- Lower header area and font sizes on mobile for better usage of the space
- Darken color for the labels on the Checkout page
v2.4.5 - 27/05/2019
- Fixed editor visual integration with the latest update of WordPress
- Fixed duplicated comments area when using Elementor Pro templates
v2.4.4 - 22/04/2019
- Removed weird scroll on the blog page
v2.4.3 - 22/04/2019
- New logging mechanism to the onboarding module
- Improved the whole routine for the content import in the onboarding module
- Added new wp_body_open() function for WP 5.2
- Fixed logo disappearing on scroll on the distraction-free checkout mode
- Made blog text color darker when using the full content articles option
- Fixed portfolio featured image not visible in Firefox in the lightbox
- Fixed overlapping content on the blog page
- Fixed incorrect title attribute for the primary menu
- Fixed Shop page layout on the third header layout
- Remove title appearing in the navigation cart in the latest update of WooCommerce
v2.4.2 - 02/04/2019
- Updated the Starter Sites library
v2.4.1 - 29/03/2019
- Compatibility with the Header, Footer & Blocks for Elementor plugin
- New Agency Travel Demo Starter Site
- Fixed issue with the color picker needing two clicks
- Updated the Contact and Facebook community links
- Updated tags list with the new tags
- Fixed importing issues with the Starter Sites
- Fixed White Label error appearing lower PHP versions
- Fixed issue with contact form shortcode not being translation ready
- Updated Starter Sites library images
v2.4.0 - 21/03/2019
- [Hestia Pro] New White Label module
- Fixed issue with Big Title buttons shadow color
- Fixed issue with Portfolio pop-up not opening in Microsoft Edge
- Fixed issue with Blog options taking control over the custom post types archives pages
- Fixed issue with invalid CSS inline style
v2.3.0 - 01/03/2019
- Fixed products categories layout on the Shop pane and Homepage
- Fixed issue with the title attribute not escaping HTML tags in the primary menu
- New Hestia Original starter site
v2.2.1 - 12/02/2019
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with the [hestia_slider] shortcode not working
- Fixed search results page layout when using the second header option
- Replaced Google sharing option with an Email option
- Fixed link for sharing on Twitter option
- Fixed issue with color control updating only after two clicks
v2.2.0 - 06/02/2019
- NEW Hestia Specific Gutenberg blocks for Otter Blocks
- Improved the onboarding process
- New filter for compatibility with the Central Color Palette plugin
- Fixed default font weight for headings
- Fixed issue with default small font size for lists
- Allow HTML tags in the single product page title
- Fixed problem with the footer not sticking to the bottom of the blog page
- Fixed warning with the Connections plugin
v2.1.1 - 17/01/2019
- Changed the boxed layout for the third header layout
- Improved layout of the onboarding notice and page
- Small layout fixes for the Orfeo child theme
- Fixed the upgrade link
v2.1.0 - 09/01/2019
- NEW Custom integration with Gutenberg
- NEW Options to differentially enable/disable navigation and footer areas on posts/pages
- Fixed compatibility with Everest Forms plugin
- Fixed compatibility with Quiz Cat plugin
- Fixed problem with the About Section background image remaining fixed in Firefox
- Removed the Featured tag for the sticky posts
v2.0.19 - 18/12/2018
- Fixed WooCommerce related product layout in Fagri
- Fixed issue with the Very Top Bar not visible on Elementor Full Width page templates
- Fixed issue with the Contact section content area that did not opened with Gutenberg
v2.0.18 - 12/12/2018
v2.0.17 - 11/12/2018
v2.0.16 - 10/12/2018
- Updated Tested up to version to 5.0
- Removed unused notice
v2.0.15 - 05/12/2018
- Fixed problem with Very Top Bar not visible on mobile on the single product page
- Recommend Otter Blocks plugin
v2.0.14 - 30/11/2018
- Fixed issues with the Hestia Woocommerce Demo
- Updated theme license
- Added back filter to allow you to display the product image in the header of the single product page
v2.0.13 - 28/11/2018
- Fixed issues with retina images on the shop page
- Fixed import from Zelle
- Updated the Hestia WooCommerce demo
- Recommend Neve
v2.0.12 - 16/11/2018
- Update readme file
- Fixed warnings on the typography file
- [Fagri child theme] fix padding issue on the Pirate Forms form
v2.0.11 - 09/11/2018
- Fixed fatal error happening in a few cases
v2.0.10 - 06/11/2018
- Fixed compatibility with the latest release of WooCommerce
- Fixed compatibility with Google Console
- Added config file for Toolset plugin
- New filters used for child themes
v2.0.9 - 05/11/2018
- Fixed Google Console issues
- Small tweaks for the Sites Library Demos
v2.0.8 - 02/11/2018
- Gutenberg support
- Fixed import for Zelle ( Zerif ) to Elementor
- Improved title responsive font size for the 2nd and 3rd header layouts
- Refactored the About Hestia page
- Updated the readme file with correct license and used resources
- Fixed some escaping issues
- Fixed compatibility issues with the child themes
- Updated the screenshot
- Fixed error causing customizer not to load after a demo templated was imported
v2.0.7 - 10/10/2018
v2.0.6 - 10/10/2018
- Fixed compatibility with Brizy Page Builder
- Improved compatibility with WPForms Lite
- Improved theme speed with less system calls
v2.0.5 - 28/09/2018
- Fixed Big Title section compatibility in Internet Explorer
- Added some new filters that can be used in child themes
- Fixed responsive issues with the Big Title section when using iframes
- Fixed fatal error in customizer when the frontpage content was previously edited with Elementor
- Change timing for the upsells
v2.0.4 - 11/09/2018
- Fixed issue with the dropdown menu active items
v2.0.3 - 11/09/2018
- Fixed issues with the header layout option
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with embeds not working in the Portfolio lightboxes
- Fixed issue with the category description not visible on the category archive page
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issues with Elementor Pro
- New filter for the Related Posts title that can be changed using this doc https://docs.themeisle.com/article/937-change-related-post-title-on-post-page-in-hestia-theme
v2.0.2 - 29/08/2018
- Fix issue with Import Zerif to Elementor notice
- Fix issue with the navigation menu on the tablet
v2.0.1 - 24/08/2018
- Fixed issue with woocommerce buttons
- Fixed issue on third layout on blog
- Make elementor import notice dismissible
v2.0.0 - 24/08/2018
- NEW options for styling the buttons padding and border radius
- [Hestia PRO] NEW option for styling the buttons hover effect ( color or shadow )
- NEW options for the Blog page ( choose content or excerpt, type of pagination and hide the categories )
- [Hestia PRO] NEW layout for the Blog page with a customizable number of columns and masonry option
- New option to allow the Big Title section to be disabled
- New option to disable the custom Frontpage sections
- Fixed title problem on the archive pages for Chinese locals
- Optimized and minified the CSS and JS files
- Fixed issue with white bar appearing on mobile devices on the single product page
- Refactored the code for the primary menu
- Fixed issues with Elementor blocks extending outside the content of the page
- Fixed issues with TinyMCE
- Improved compatibility with the WPForms Lite plugin
- Fixed issue on shop with older browsers
v1.1.86 - 13/08/2018
v1.1.85 - 26/07/2018
- Improved UX for the Subscribe section in Customizer
- Improved compatibility with the WooCommerce Compare List plugin
- Improved compatibility with the Max Mega Menu plugin
- Fixed title problem on the archive pages for locals different than English
- Fixed small layout compatibility problem with Elementor
v1.1.84 - 19/07/2018
- Fixed compatibility issues with Thrive Architect plugin
- Fixed layout issues for WooCommerce products and categories cards
- Fixed layout issues for the Shop page on Internet Explorer 11
- Redone the way sections can be overridden in child themes using this documentation:
- https://docs.themeisle.com/article/918-how-to-override-sections-in-hestia-pro
v1.1.83 - 06/07/2018
- Fixed js console errors
- Fixed mobile issue with the fallback image for the video header
v1.1.82 - 05/07/2018
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with Big Title video size on larger devices
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed problem with the number of widget areas option in the Footer
- Made transition to a default theme, when a PHP version lower than 5.3.29 is used
- Fixed problem with the duplicated description on the products categories page
- Fixed problem with the missing cookie field in the comments form
- Fixed layout problem for categories on the Shop page
- Fixed compatibility with Orfeo child theme
- Improved Clients Bar section layout
- Small code improvements
v1.1.81 - 26/06/2018
- Fixed products alignment issue on the shop page when a left sidebar is used
- Fixed problem with the Big Title alignment option callback function
v1.1.80 - 25/06/2018
- Fixed issue with style enqueued for the About page
v1.1.79 - 25/06/2018
- Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Product Catalog options
- Fixed responsive alignment issues in the Big Title section
- Fixed issue with product/articles categories colors
- Improved frontpage Products section layout
v1.1.78 - 21/06/2018
- Refactored the entire code
- Redone the Big Title section for a better UX
- Fixed Big Title buttons alignment and notice on the checkout page in the Orfeo child theme
v1.1.77 - 24/05/2018
- Fixed compatibility with WP GDPR Compliance plugin
- Fixed problem with the Big Title Background not being able to be removed
- Fixed problem with default content added in the Very Top Bar section
v1.1.76 - 18/05/2018
- Fixed problem with some redundant strings in the lite version
v1.1.75 - 18/05/2018
- NEW Feature to allow a widget area in the Big Title/Slider section
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed alignment for the Authors Section on the Blog page
- Fix fatal error on lower PHP versions
v1.1.74 - 10/05/2018
- [Hestia PRO] New Icon picker option in the Pricing section
- Fixed problem with title meta in the Archive page header when the language is different than English
- Fixed problem with duplicated titles when using the second header layout option
- Fixed problem with the Big Title Second Button control not working in the Orfeo child theme
- Fixed some layout issues with the WooCommerce filtering widgets in the Footer area
v1.1.73 - 24/04/2018
- Improved Cart page layout on mobile
- Fixed problem with the About and Contact sections editor not saving the input
- Fixed problem with footer section on internal pages in IE11
- Removed meta on the Archive pages
- Doc to add them back https://docs.themeisle.com/article/793 how to add back category tag author in the archive title in hestia
v1.1.72 - 17/04/2018
- Compatibility with Elementor Pro 2.0 theme location API header and footer
- UX Customize layout improvements
- Fixed layout compatibility issues with the sidebar on bbpress and BuddyPress pages
- Fixed layout of the Search products widget
- Allow a shortcode for the Contact section
- Improved compatibility with Pirate Forms Extended plugin
- Fixed issue with sidebar position when the option for logged in users to be able to post comments is enabled
- Fixed problem with footer sticking to the bottom of the page when to little content
- Made reCaptcha button smaller on mobile devices to better accommodate the layout
v1.1.71 - 14/03/2018
- Fixed problem with the preview images not showing anymore on the blog page
- Fixed problem with the parallax effect on inner pages
v1.1.70 - 08/03/2018
- Fixed alignment issues with the Featured posts area
v1.1.69 - 08/03/2018
- Fixed alignment issue in the featured posts area
v1.1.68 - 07/03/2018
- Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.3 thumbnail cropping options
v1.1.67 - 06/03/2018
- NEW Featured posts area section on the blog
- Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.3 thumbnail cropping options
- Fixed compatibility issues with WeGlot plugin language switcher
- Fixed problems with synchronization between the About section and the front page
- Fixed compatibility with the Invisible reCaptcha plugin
- [Hestia PRO] Removed constricted video dimensions
- Made Social Sharing strings translatable
- Fixed fatal error with PHP 5.2
- Fixed issue with random images appearing on the blog page in child themes
v1.1.66 - 19/02/2018
- Fixed responsive alignment on the shop page
v1.1.65 - 16/02/2018
v1.1.64 - 16/02/2018
- Fixed compatibility issues with Pirate Forms on mobile
- Fixed warning appearing in the Blog section
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed empty cart layout in navigation area
- Fixed issues with the Header layout control
v1.1.63 - 14/02/2018
- [Hestia PRO] Option to open portfolios in a lightbox
- [Hestia PRO] Added animations for frontpage sections
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issues for the navigation cart with variable products
- [Hestia PRO] Improved navigation cart layout on mobile devices
- [Hestia PRO] Allowed some formatting tags in the Slider section buttons
- New option for choosing the Header area layout
- [Hestia PRO] Two new layouts for the Header area
- Small fixes for WooCommerce widgets and product layouts
- Made entire team member boxes clickable
- Fixed problem with third level menu items getting hidden when parent menu item had description
- Fixed alignment problem on IE11 for megamenu
- Fixed problem with dropdown menu items on Firefox
- Added styling for more widgets in the Subscribe section
- Removed characters limitation for WooCommerce product's titles
v1.1.62 - 31/01/2018
- Improved compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3
- Fixed problem with container width control not working properly
- Added missing about
- contact.png image
- Fixed warning: Implode function invalid arguments passed
v1.1.61 - 30/01/2018
- Fixed problem with dismissable notification
v1.1.60 - 29/01/2018
- [Hestia PRO] New option to disable the transparent state of the navigation bar
- [Hestia PRO] New option for changing the color in the hover state of the navigation bar items
- [Hestia PRO] New Category select option for the Blog frontpage section
- [Hestia PRO] Fix video header overflowing body
- New Font size controls for Frontpage sections
- Improved migration function from the old font size controls
- Added hooks for the Clients Bar and Ribbon sections
- Fixed problems with navigation color options for drop
- down menus
- Basic enhancements to the editor area
- Small layout fixes for WooCommerce pages
- Fixed synchronization function for the About frontpage section image and content
- Optimize theme for a smaller size archive
- Improved compatibility with Pirate Forms plugin
- Made footer stick to the bottom of the pages no matter the content size
- Customizer selective refresh UX changes
- Fixed problem with Yoast SEO meta title showing on the Blog page
- Fixed front page sections problem with alt tags for attached images
- Fixed mobile issue with the logo on iOS devices
- Other small code improvements
v1.1.59 - 11/01/2018
- NEW option to enable the main Header Image on all posts and pages, instead of the featured images
- NEW option for selecting posts and pages individual layouts
- Fixed problem with font sizes for paragraphs and headings not changing in Elementor
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed compatibility issue with Elementor and the Full
- screen menu Customize option
- Improved font size migration function to better match the initial values
- Replaced the featured image in the header with the category image for Single Product Pages
- Added missing alt tag to the logo element
- Improved selective refresh for all Customize options
- [Hestia PRO] Improved the Blog Layout and Footer Layout controls
- Limit the number of categories, title and description's words for each WooCommerce Product box for a better layout across the site, using filters that can be further used in child themes
- Two new filters to allow users changing the post meta data on single post pages and on the blog using this documentation http://docs.themeisle.com/article/807
v1.1.58 - 29/12/2017
- Improved migration from old Font Size options to the new options
- Imported theme mods when switching from a Themeisle child theme to Hestia
v1.1.57 - 25/12/2017
- Redone Font Size options. Added controls for Posts & Pages Title, Heading and Content
- [Hestia PRO] New control for changing the Menu font size
- Improved default font sizes to better suit mobile devices
- [Hestia PRO] Added Code Editor and linting to Hestia PRO Hooks Page
- Fixed H2 tags not displaying on the Frontpage Shop Section
- Fixed conflict with Event Espresso Calendar addon
- Minified images
v1.1.56 - 28/11/2017
- Added back titles on pages when WooCoomerce is not installed
v1.1.55 - 27/11/2017
- [New Feature] Scroll to top option
- [New Feature] Search icon in the navigation menu
- Fixed issue with primary menu items not visible on iPads
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with the footer widgets layout
- Fixed issue with Team member section not opening external links in a new tab
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with navbar background color on mobile devices
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with navigation menu ( with the Full menu option activated ) closing button color
- Improved layout for the WooCommerce Cart and Checkout pages
- Fixed alignment issues with the front page sections
v1.1.54 - 13/11/2017
- Updated resources for bundled images
- Removed duplicated featured images on single portfolio pages
- Added missing IDs for Ribbon and Clients Bar sections
- Fixed issue with hidden label for the custom color controls in customizer in WordPress 4.9
- Allow Skip logo cropping
v1.1.53 - 06/11/2017
- [Hestia PRO] NEW Video background option
- [Hestia PRO] NEW Container width option
- [Hestia PRO] New option for changing the Header Gradient color
- Fixed compatibility issues with SiteOrigin Page Builder overriding the About section
- Fixed WooCommerce layout for single product pages when no tabs were displayed
v1.1.52 - 24/10/2017
- Fixed problem with parallax effect in the Ribbon section on iOS
- New filter for the header background wrapper to be used in a child theme, to allow users to have a featured image for each category
- Fixed vertical alignment issue on frontpage Products section
- Fixed compatibility responsive issues with Pirate Forms
- Fixed callback function used for the custom logo
- Fixed issue with items descriptions appearing in the primary menu
- Fixed active buttons color issue in the primary menu
- Fixed small JavaScript console error in Customizer
v1.1.51 - 18/10/2017
- [Hestia PRO] New cart icon in the primary menu when WooCommerce is used
- Improved migration compatibility from Zerif to Hestia
- Improved responsive layout
- Fixed issues with blurred images in the Shop section on mobile
- Improved frontpage sections hide/show control by adding selective refresh
- Improved UX for the WYSIWYG control used in the About section
- Added a basic Mega Menu compatibility http://docs.themeisle.com/article/704
- Integration with PayPal for WooCommerce plugin
- Integration with MailChimp for WordPress
- Fixed issues in the Primary menu with active items
- Fixed small issue with font awesome icons disappearing from the About section content
- Fixed small issue with selective refresh on Sidebar width option
- Made all functions in template
- tags.php pluggable to allow better child theme usage
- Made all frontpage sections external links open in a new tab
- Added some new filters to control the number of items per row appear in the Features, Testimonials and Blog Frontpage section http://docs.themeisle.com/article/669
- Fixed issue in RTL mode with Sidebar layout control icons
- Fixed selective refresh for the Tagline option
v1.1.49 - 02/10/2017
- NEW improved options for frontpage sections ordering/disabling
- NEW Header Background gradient option
- NEW default template Page with Sidebar
- Improved Shop page's layout when using both categories and products
- Use the blog featured image as header image on that page
- Migration compatibility from Azera Shop to Hestia
- Migration compatibility from Parallax One to Hestia
- Migration compatibility from Llorix One Lite to Hestia
- Removes generic classes, prefixed with hestia keyword now
- Improved Customize layout with scrolling to the currently selected section
- Fixed issue with About section image taking one of the posts images when the sections are subsequent
- Fixed JS console error sometimes appearing when using cache plugins
v1.1.48 - 19/09/2017
- Fixed JS errors that were causing some Elementor pages not to load
- Reduced the number of placeholder icons in the iconpicker to fix loading issues on some hostings
- Made external links in the Clients Bar section open in a new tab
- Fixed selective refresh on frontpage sections titles
- Fixed problems with WooCommerce elements on RTL sites
- Fixed small alignment issue with the Slider buttons on responsive mode
- Fixed small visual bug on the search icon
v1.1.47 - 12/09/2017
- New Ribbon section
- New Clients Bar section
- [Hestia PRO] New WooCommerce shortcode option in the Frontpage Shop section
- [Hestia PRO] Fixed issue with Frontpage Features, Team, Testimonials, Contact sections content not translatable with Polylang
- Fixed Internet Explorer 11 issue with Big Title section button not clickable
- Fixed Big Title/Slider issue with iframes in Safari
- Reorganize Customize layout with tabs controls
- Default WooCommerce image for products with no featured image
- Made the Very Top Bar fixed at the top of the screen
- Removed unused jQuery MatchHeight script
v1.1.46 - 24/08/2017
- Fixed issue with colors options not appearing in the Features section
- Fixed issue with the About section not working
- Recommend Elementor plugin
v1.1.45 - 22/08/2017
- Fixed Frontpage sections image options not working properly since the last update
- Added page title in header for the blog page, instead of the Site tagline
v1.1.44 - 21/08/2017
- [Hestia PRO] New option to allow images instead of icons in the Features section
- New option for layout alignment in the Big title/Slider Section
- [Hestia PRO] New option for a second button in the Slider Section
- [Hestia PRO] New color options for buttons in the Slider Section
- Fixed Typography options on WooCommerce single product pages
- [Hestia PRO] New panel in admin area for Hooks control
- Fixed compatibility with Dokan Multivendor Marketplace plugin
- Fixed compatibility with Nex Forms plugin add
- Fixed issue with dropdown menus overflowing when large items are used in the menu
- Fixed issue with products gallery on latest WooCommerce update
- Fixed small responsive issues
- Added some more hooks for frontpage control
- Fixed vertical alignment issue with logo on mobile devices
- Fixed issue with frontpage sections not centering
- Separate and load CSS conditionally
- Small changes to Customize layout
- Changes to enqueue fonts conditionally
- Changed Font subsets control to a multiple select
- Removed Menu icon on mobile devices, when no menu is selected
v1.1.43 - 08/08/2017
- Fixed issue with colors not working in the Features section
- Fixed issue with menu opening automatically on mobile devices
- Fixed issue with footer icons color when the Alternative Footer option is selected
v1.1.42 - 04/08/2017
- Fix feature section controls.
- Fix testimonial section controls.
- Fix JetPack compatibility issues in customizer.
- Fix subscribe section.
- Improved UX of customizer.
v1.0.1 - 18/10/2016
- Alternative blog template
- Improved layout style
- Added option for sidebar on blog posts
- Optimize the main menu
- Improved WooCommerce layout
- Added grunt fix all grunt errors
v1.0.2 - 20/10/2016
- Added support for Jetpack portfolio
- Improved WooCommerce implementation
- Section Order
- Fixed small layout issues
v1.0.3 - 21/10/2016
- Fixed issue with sections management
- Added style for the sidebar
- Small improvements in layout
v1.0.4 - 24/10/2016
- Improved sections order control
- Added hover effects on comments form/subscribe form
- Added show/hide controls for each section
- Allow html tags in the contact section
v1.0.5 - 25/10/2016
- Update readme file
- Fixed WooCommerce issues
- Fixed section ordering on internal pages
v1.0.6 - 28/10/2016
- Improved colors options in customizer
- Compatibilty with the plugin YITH Woocommerce Zoom Magnifier
- Style attachment page
- Change default images ( compresed )
- Fixed responsive issues
v1.0.7 - 18/11/2016
- Fixed footer widgets color
- Fixed sections order with WordPress 4.7
- Updated travis and fixed grunt errors
- Fixed theme check errors
- Display the content on frontpage
v1.0.8 - 24/11/2016
- Fixed layout for the cart button
- Fixed responsive issues
- Fixed themecheck errors
- Replaced screenshot
- Improved sticky posts style
- Improved contrast on frontpage sections
- Improved padding and margin issues
v1.0.9 - 24/11/2016
- Fixed text colors in the Contact section
v1.1.0 - 24/11/2016
- Fixed WooCommerce responsive issues
v1.1.1 - 26/11/2016
- Removed unnecessary .pot file
- Fixed data validation and sanitization issues
v1.1.2 - 14/12/2016
- Reorganize theme files
- Remove unused image
- Fixed issue with sticky post layout
v1.1.3 - 16/01/2017
- Fixed issue with submit button not centering on full width pages using Pirate Forms
- Added synchronized controls in the About section to allow customization
- Fixed issue with hover color for menu items
- Changed the way style.css is enqueued for child theme compatibility
v1.1.4 - 25/01/2017
- Use correct instructions for Sendinblue widget
- Changed slider speed from 400 seconds to 10 seconds
- Adjusted padding on menu items to match material kit pro
v1.1.5 - 09/02/2017
- Make theme compatible with WPML and Polylang
- Improved Customize upsell layout
v1.1.6 - 23/02/2017
- Solved comment form issue.
v1.1.7 - 02/03/2017
- Fixed issue with the sidebar position when only logged in users are able to posts comments
- Fixed issue with translations in the Pricing section
v1.1.8 - 13/03/2017
- Created Hestia Companion plugin for lite users
- Fixed pricing display issue on frontpage for WooCommerce products
- Fixed layout issues with ul and ol lists
- Added starter content for new users
v1.1.9 - 13/03/2017
- Fixed default cases for frontpage sections controls
v1.1.11 - 28/03/2017
- Fixed loading time issue in Mozilla Firefox
- Fixed small layout issues
- Refractor code
- Improved escaping
v1.1.12 - 31/03/2017
- Fixed compatibility issue with Elementor page builder plugin
v1.1.13 - 05/04/2017
- Fixed issue with shortcodes used in the About section causing Customizer to not load
- Fixed repeater using "file_get_contents" function.
v1.1.14 - 06/04/2017
- Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce 3.0.0
- Fixed issues with shortcodes and scripts entered in the About section
v1.1.15 - 06/04/2017
- Fixed grund and fatal error when woocoommerce is not installed
v1.1.16 - 12/04/2017
- Replaced screenshot
- Fixed thumbnails issues with WooCommerce 3.0.0
- Fixed jquery-ui dependency causing scripts not to load
v1.1.17 - 21/04/2017
- Update font-awesome library
- Allow HTML tags in the slider section and in the Big title section
v1.1.19 - 11/05/2017
- Import content for users coming from Zerif
- Allow basic HTML formatting tags in repeater textarea
- Fixed issue with colors selection in child themes
- Added About Hestia page
v1.1.20 - 16/05/2017
- Fixed prefixing issues
- Added registering function for default headers
- Loading main style file through get_stylesheet_uri()
- Fixed small escaping issues
v1.1.21 - 19/05/2017
- Fixed escaping issues
- Changed defaults for some titles and subtitles
- Added selective refresh for some theme mods
v1.1.22 - 21/05/2017
- Added default blog post images for preview
- Changed the default accent color
- Changed default Big title/Slider image to match screenshot
- Changed header height and navbar transparency behaviour
- Update license for material kit
v1.1.23 - 25/05/2017
- Fixed issues with the WYSIWYG editor in customize
- Added versioning for scripts and styles to better manage caching
- Changed upsell mechanism
- Removed footer layout when no widgets are added there
v1.1.24 - 29/05/2017
- Improved primary menu smooth scrolling option
- Improved search button layout to better match the whole design
- Improved description and tags
v1.1.23 - 06/06/2017
- Refractor CSS code to SCSS
- New "Page Builder Full Width" and "Page Builder Blank" templates for page builders
- Compatibility with Elementor plugin
- Compatibility with Beaver Builder plugin
- Compatibility with Beaver Themer plugin
- New WooCommerce sidebar
- New "Blog Sidebar Layout" option for changing the layout of the sidebar on blog pages
- New "Page Sidebar Layout" option for changing the layout of the sidebar on normal pages
- Fixed issue with logo size on various dimensions
- Fixed issue with duplicated Added to cart button on Firefox on frontpage
- Fixed issue with primary menu active color
v1.1.28 - 07/06/2017
- Improved theme description and tags
v1.1.29 - 07/06/2017
- Redid some of the strings used in the theme
- Recommend BeaverBuilder plugin instead of SiteOrigin Panels
- Fixed menu dropdown colors
- Fixed Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
v1.1.30 - 07/06/2017
- Removed redundant trailingslashit causing warnings
v1.1.31 - 13/06/2017
- New option in Hestia PRO for selecting the sidebar's width
- Improved layout of cart and checkout pages for WooCommerce
- Added Install & Activate buttons for the recommended plugins
- Added selective refresh to all options for better UX
- Added started content
- Converted Contact content option from textarea to WYSIWYG
- Prefixed all generic CSS classes with hestia
- Fixed issue with inputs of type file beeing not visible in content
- Removed the sidebar on Cart and Checkout pages
- Other small CSS improvements
v1.1.32 - 13/06/2017
v1.1.33 - 20/06/2017
- Fixed form placeholder issues on Mozilla Firefox
- Remove support for WPML on frontpage
v1.1.35 - 30/06/2017
v1.1.37 - 30/06/2017
v1.1.38 - 14/07/2017
- New Typography options
- Style Elementor plugin's widgets
- Improved all responsive structure
- Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized plugin
- Support for hiding Hestia frontpage sections in Elementor
- Improved cart and checkout layout
- Fixed issue with Polylang Language switcher HTML tags used as title attribute
v1.1.39 - 21/07/2017
- Fixed responsive bugs with the main navigation menu
- Fixed blurred background image bug on about section on iPhone
- Fixed typography bug with H1 headings not changing size on posts and pages
- Added support for Snapchat, Email, Tel, Deviantart and Vimeo in the footer social menu
- Open in a new tab all external links used in Big title section / Slider section
- Fixed some small layout bug on checkout page for shipping options
- Compressed image for a smaller archive
- Smaller size images for Shop and Portfolio sections
v1.1.40 - 28/07/2017
- New Top Bar section
- New Multiple Header Layouts
- [Hestia PRO] New Option for a Full width menu in header
- [Hestia PRO] New Extra Options for Shop section ( category and order filters )
- New Alternative Footer Style
- New Option for selecting the number of Footer Widgets Columns
- Allow HTML tags in Features, Team and Testimonials sections
- Changed responsive layout of sidebar
- Fixed Google Webmaster Tools errors
- Added hooks for header, footer and frontpage sections
- Improved subtitles spacing on frontpage
- Fixed some CSS issues in the main navigation menu